Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day One: Desire for Reconciliation

Genesis 3:1-10 READ the passage, carefully.

THINK: How does this passage speak to your situation today?
 My situation today is that I'm bitter. I am bitter at my church, actually bitter at a lot of people. I bit the proverbial apple and I see it all. I see all of the "bad" and I forget to look at the good. And I know I don't know God's plans, and how I am supposed to get over my bitterness, or even if I am supposed to.

PRAY:   Take the time today to pray and talk about those things you have deliberately rebelled against.

LIVE: Knowing everyone has rebelled, how do you feel?  When are you most tempted to hide?

 Honestly knowing that everyone has rebelled doesn't make me feel any better. Makes me feel more angry at myself. I know its "human nature" but I think I make this much harder than it really is.  I am most tempted to hide when my true self is shown.  I am always afraid someone is going to say something and I become a phony.  I've always felt like a phony. I want to live like I haven't "bitten the apple."  Which is the reason for this blog. I don't want to hide behind a notebook.  I want to get this out in the land of interwebs!

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